Dental appointments will not return to Hadston

We all know the NHS is having difficulty finding dentists. We also know that regular check ups, apart from the obvious thing of making sure our teeth are ok, can spot other health issues. Dental health and hygiene is important and it should be accessible for everyone.
So I was delighted to get a letter from NHS England telling me that a contract has been agreed to provide NHS dental services in Rothbury and Hadston/Amble.
I have done my best to take part in the process. I've written submissions to scrutiny committee, worked with Health Watch and NHS England to host consultations in the community working in partnership with Hadston House. I've raised this at the Heath and Wellbeing board and other senior boards I am part of. The Local Parish Council has worked on this all providing submissions supporting my view after I presented to them.
I explained to all these bodies that the practice at Hadston had recently had a £1m refurbishment and the new facility had been attracting patients. I explained how people simply wouldn’t be able to afford to travel; it’s a £5.80 bus ride for anyone without their own transport. I explained how people with a number of other health conditions would not be able to travel for dental care.
I kept the faith with the consultation, although in many ways it was flawed. I encouraged those who could to take part; they would be listened to.
I felt like I was given assurances that a new provider would be asked to provide in Hadston.
So, imagine my anger when I read in the letter from NHS England that, if planning permission is granted, people living in Rothbury will have a practice in the town and people in ‘Hadston/Amble’ will have a practice - in Amble.

What is the point of taking part in consultations if no one listens? Well they might have been listened to, but they weren’t heard. They feel let down and like it was a waste of time.
Once again Hadston is becoming the even poorer relation with another service stripped from the village. Health planners have cars; they make a passing reference to ‘transport issues’ and think that they will magically ma
ke them go away.
I am deeply disappointed on behalf of the people of Hadston at this outcome. Yet another service gone leaving them an even poorer relation.