Labour will plug 'school funding black hole' in Northumberland and give a fairer deal to chi

Labour is “brave enough” to tackle a £3 billion hole in school budgets, Jeremy Corbyn has said.
A government led by him will give education the “priority it deserves”, the Labour party leader said.
Scott said: "The Labour leader's promise that education would be a spending priority for our party and he repeated that at a head teachers' conference in Telford."
He went on to say: "This is important for Northumberland, our schools are under financial pressure and it is set to get worse. Small schools in Northumberland will not survive the CUTS planned for Schools. In Northumberland it is projected to be over £16million."
Free School Meals for Primary Children too !!
Earlier in the month the Shadow Education Secretary also said: "A Labour government would provide all primary school children with free school meals – funded by charging VAT on private school fees, the party is set to announce.Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner will say on Thursday that the policy would “remove the stigma” attached to the meals and improve the health and attainment of all children."