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Hadston Park takes step forward

Dickinson delivers again !!

In the 2013 campaign I listened to locals who told me that the Park didn't serve the Community well in Hadston.

I then promised to look at seeking investment from the Council to develop plans to improve the equipment and work with the Community to develop plans.

Over the last two years we've held community workshops, met youth clubs and listened to ideas.

Working together we've developed a draft plan, the Council under our leadership has committed the funds.

Previously the Libdems closed the School promised to leave something for the Community on the site. They left NOTHING, did NOTHING and broke all their promises.

The Conservatives have complained and publicly said Hadston shouldn't receive the improvements being brought by me and the Labour team. But then we don't expect them to care about areas like ours they never have before.

I'm putting all that right and deliver on my promise to make a better Park and will deliver it. Just like all the improvements I make in the Druridge Bay ward I will defend my reasoning and the communities need for investment.

The Conservatives don't think locals deserve anything and the Libdems have broken their promises for Druridge Bay over and over again.

I deliver and will continue to do so.

Below is a draft image of the plans that will soon go on show for the Community.

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© Scott Dickinson 

Promoted by Anthony Reay on behalf of Scott Dickinson both at 2 Beehive House, North Broomhill NE65 9UD

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